128 Elfenbeinchristus in Schrein, Francois Duquesnoy, 1594 –1643, zug. Höhe des Corpus Christi: 25,5 cm. Elfenbein geschnitzt, partiell gefasst. Im Dreinageltypus dargestellte Figur Christi mit nach links unten blickendem Gesicht mit geschlossenen Augen, halb entglittendem Lendenschurz und ihn überfangenem INRI-Schild. Dieses mit geschwärzten Buchsstaben, Stigmata mit polychrom dargestellten Bluttropfen. In sekundärem Glasschrein eingelassen. Alters- und Gebrauchssp. (11212720) (13) Export restrictions outside the EU. € 10.000 - € 15.000 INFO | BIETEN tions.com 90 For around 6,000 additional detailed images: www.hampel-auctions.com
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Peter Paul Rubens and workshop 1577
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2 Großes Hochzeitskabinett Höhe:
4 Kabinettkästchen des 17. Jahrhun
8 Büste des Augustin-Joseph, comte
13 Prächtiges Régence-Table à gi
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
18 Jean Baptiste Lemoyne d. J., 170
21 Elefantenuhr Höhe: 40 cm. Socke
24 Paar Louis XV-Wandappliken Höhe
271 George Romney, nach, 1734 Dalto
282 Klassizistische Tabatière Brei
291 Sammlung von sechs Rundlackdose
296 Moskauer Vermeil-Pokal Höhe: 3
300 Paar russische Bronzelampen Hö
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304 Federico del Campo, 1837 Lima -
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307 Raffaello Sorbi, 1844 Florenz -
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311 Paul H. Ellis, tätig 1882 - 19
All texts can be translated into yo
313 Petrus van Schendel, 1806 - 187
319 Jef Louis van Leemputten, 1865
323 Andreas Achenbach, 1815 Kassel
328 von Mollo, Italienischer Maler
332 Vlaho Bukovac, 1855 - 1922 Beka
337 Paul Paede, 1868 Berlin - 1929
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345 Eugène Henri Millet, Künstler
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351 Narcisse Virgile Diaz de la Pe
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All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
359 Pieter Coecke van Aelst, 1502 A
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
375 Girolamo Magagni, genannt „Gi
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
381 Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt, 15
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
383 Giovanni Paolo Panini, 1691 Pia
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All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
389 Charles-François Grenier de la
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
393 Johann Heinrich Roos, 1631 Otte
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
401 Meister der französischen Schu
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
406 Gennaro Mascacotta Greco, 1663
408 Viviano Codazzi (1604 - 1670) u
410 Maler der Wiener Schule, zuschr
All texts can be translated into yo
414 Paul Bril, 1554 Antwerpen - 162
416 Anton Friedrich Harms, 1695 Bra
419 Anthony Jansz van der Croos, 16
422 Neapolitanischer Maler des 18.
425 Jean François de Troy, 1679 -
427 Jacopo Amigoni, 1682 Venedig -
430 Francesco Pacecco de Rosa, 1607
433 Joos de Momper d. J. und Werkst
436 Römischer Maler aus dem Kreise
440 Giuseppe Cesari, genannt „Il
443 Preußischer Hofmaler des 18. J
446 Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts BOTA
452 Dirk Maes, 1659 Haarlem - 1717,
457 Jan van Kessel, Werkstatt FRÜC
463 Giacinto Brandi, 1623 Poli - 16
466 Giuseppe Bernardino Bison, 1762
470 Römischer Stilllebenmaler des
475 Pietro Antonio Rotari, 1707 Ver
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479 Albert Marquet, 1875 Bordeaux -
481 Henry Moore, 1889 Castleford/ Y
483 Niki de Saint-Phalle, 1930 Neui
All texts can be translated into yo
486 Markus Lüpertz, geb. 1941 Reic
All texts can be translated into yo
All texts can be translated into yo
490 Zoran Antonio Music, 1909 Goriz
492 Gino Severini, 1883 Cortona - 1
All texts can be translated into yo
496 Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1880 Asc
499 Giacomo Balla, 1871 Turin - 195
503 Armand Pierre Fernandez, genann
505 Stefano Brunello, geb. 1960 PRO
509 Claire Jeanne Roberte Colinet,
511 Alex Katz, geb. 1927 New York S
514 Serge Poliakoff, 1900 Moskau -
519 Georg Baselitz, eigentlich Hans
524 Tano Festa, 1938 Rom - 1988 ebe
530 Herbert Zangs, 1924 Krefeld - 2
535 Julius Exter, 1863 Ludwigshafen
541 Yayoi Kusama, geb. 1929 PUMPKIN
546 Mu Lei, geb. 1984 FANTASY, 2012
550 Andy Warhol, 1928 Pittsburgh -
556 Paul Herbert Beck, 1920 Leipzig
562 C. Wolfram, Künstler des 20. J
572 Bernard Aubertin, 1934 Fontenay
581 Marco Lodola, geb. 1955 Dorno S
588 Andy Warhol, 1928 Pittsburgh -
597 Mimmo Rotella, 1918 Catanzaro -
604 Bert Stern, 1929 Brooklyn/ New
612 Heinz Mack, geb. 1931 Lollar Mi
619 Giuseppe Amadio, geb. 1944 Todi
624 Marcello Morandini, geb. 1940 M
632 Sandy Skoglund, geb. 1946 Massa
639 Ronnie Cutrone, 1948 New York -
646 Lesser Ury, 1861 Birnbaum - 193
651 Bernard Aubertin, 1934 Fontenay
659 Manfred Kielnhofer, geb. 1967 H
666 Paul Herbert Beck, 1920 Leipzig
673 Henryk Musialowicz, 1914 - 2015
679 René Magritte, 1898 - 1967 Br
687 Bruno Bruni, geb. 1935 Gradera,
695 Salvador Dalí, 1904 Figueres -
702 701 700 703 704 All texts can b
710 Diamantcollier Halsweite: ca. 4
716 Panthère-Rubin-Diamantring von
720 Burma-Rubin-Diamantring Ringwei
727 Turmalin-Diamantring Ringweite:
735 736 737 738 739 740 735 Mabépe
746 Brillantarmband Länge: ca. 17,
754 Perl-Kameecollier Kürzeste Hal
762 Smaragd-Brillantohrclipse Läng
766 Jugendstil-Diamantcollier Halsw
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